To continue with your current health plan
You don't need to do anything if you want to continue to be enrolled in your current Blue Plus health plan. Your renewal letter from us has information about your 2025 plan, including your 2025 rate and additional changes that have been made to your plan for 2025.
To change your plan
Generally, you can change to a different individual and family plan through Blue Plus during open enrollment.
Open enrollment is Nov. 1 - Dec. 18, 2024, for plans that start Jan. 1, 2025 or Dec. 19, 2024 through Jan. 15, 2025 for a plan that starts Feb. 1, 2025.
At other times of the year, you can make a change as a special enrollment if you've had a change in your life, for example, job loss, loss of dependent status, early retirement, having a baby, getting married or moving.
About your coverage
Staying in your network
It's important to remember that to get coverage for a healthcare service, you need to visit a healthcare provider in your plan's network. Some providers in your area are not in your plan's network. Be sure to find out if your doctor's in your network before you receive care. If you receive care with a provider or at a location that's not in your network, you will pay more for your care.
Summary of benefits and coverage
The summary of benefits and coverage (SBC) document provides a snapshot of a health plan's costs, benefits and covered healthcare services.
Prescription drug coverage
Pharmacy network: For 2025, your plan continues to have the Essential Pharmacy Network. To get coverage for a prescription, you need to visit a pharmacy in your plan's pharmacy network. In general, if you get a prescription from a pharmacy that isn't in-network, you will need to pay for your prescription in full.
Covered drug list: Your plan continues to have the BasicRx covered drug list (sometimes called a formulary). To get coverage for a prescription, the drug needs to be on the BasicRx covered drug list. In general, if you get a prescription that isn't on your plan's drug list, you will need to pay for your prescription in full.
Are you eligible for a subsidy or did you buy your Blue Plus plan through MNsure?
If you bought your Blue Plus plan through MNsure, Minnesota's healthcare marketplace, it will renew automatically. If you'd like to change plans, you can buy a different plan on MNsure during open enrollment.
If you think you may be eligible for a subsidy to pay for your plan, you'll need to buy it on MNsure. Important: The American Rescue Plan Act may help you save even more.