Learn about premium rebates

Some premium rebates are a required standard for health plans. If you have an individual and family plan or Medicare Supplement High Deductible F Plan you may be receiving a health insurance rebate check this fall for a portion of your 2021 premiums.

Our goal is to provide dependable coverage at an affordable cost. On occasion, the costs we pay for covered care over the course of a year can fall short of our projections.

Frequently asked questions

Why am I getting a check? 

If you are or were an individual or family plan member, your Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) rebates are mandated by the Affordable Care Act and required for all health plans to ensure at least 80 percent of premiums go toward care of members — such as doctors and hospital bills — and activities to improve health care quality. You will receive a letter and check in the mail if you are eligible for a premium rebate. This check is a rebate of a portion of your 2021 premium dollars that is being refunded to you because Blue Plus did not meet the MLR standard. Learn more about individual and family plan MLR rebates.

If you are or were a Medicare Supplement High Deductible F Plan member, Minnesota law requires Blue Cross to issue a rebate to you if Blue Cross does not spend at least 65 percent of the premiums it receives on health care services such as doctors, hospital bills and activities to improve health care quality such as efforts to improve patient safety. No more than 35 percent of premiums may be spent on administrative costs such as salaries, sales and advertising. This requirement is referred to as the Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) standard. The MLR standard is intended to ensure that consumers get value for their health care dollars.

Have rebates been issued in previous years? 

Yes. 2017 was the first year for individual and family plans and 2019 was the first year for the Medicare Supplement High Deductible F Plan rebates.

Does a rebate mean that I was charged too much for premiums in 2021? 

All premium rates are filed with the state for review and approval. Under state law, only those rates the state has determined reasonable are approved. Because premiums are filed with the state approximately six to eight months in advance of the plan year, limited information is available to inform health plans when setting these rates. Furthermore, markets continue to experience disruption and instability, which has presented a challenge in accurately predicting the performance of a market.

Were current premiums adjusted for 2022 based on what happened for 2021?

Premiums for 2022 were approved by the state in 2021 and are in place for the entire year.

Will I be taxed on the rebate, or will I have to refile my 2021 taxes?

Please consult your tax professional with any questions about taxes.

Can I get a credit on my current premium bill instead of the rebate check?

We are unable to apply the enclosed rebate check directly to your premium. If you would like to use this money to pay your premium, please cash the check and send in a payment. Do not send the rebate check back to Blue Cross.

Medicare payment address:

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of MN and Blue Plus 
P.O. Box 860448
Minneapolis, MN 55486-0448

Individual and Family plan payment address:

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of MN and Blue Plus
P.O. Box 860449
Minneapolis, MN 55486-0449

Who should I call if I feel I received this check in error? 

Please call Customer Service at 1-866-999-3580 or email us at Incoming.Service.Center@bluecrossmn.com.