How balance exercises help seniors prevent falls

A fall can cause serious health concerns for seniors. Find out tips and tricks for seniors to improve their balance and prevent falls.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2.8 million seniors are treated for injuries caused by a fall each year. Older adults are not only more prone to falling, their injuries can have a major impact on their quality of life.

Take steps to prevent a fall

Aging often leads to a loss of balance. That's why taking steps to prevent falls is a key part of healthy aging. Here are four proven ways to reduce your risk of a fall:

  1. Practice balance and exercise regularly. Exercise is the best thing you can do to prevent falls and maintain your sense of balance.
  2. Get enough Vitamin D. It helps your body absorb calcium and slows bone and mineral loss. Healthy bones enhance your balance, flexibility and strength.
  3. Have your eyes and ears checked. Poor vision and problems with your inner ear can keep you from feeling steady on the ground. Get regular checkups so you can catch and treat problems early.
  4. Use walking aids. Canes and walkers can help you balance and keep steady on uneven surfaces.

Balance exercise for seniors

Practice this exercise often to help maintain your sense of balance.

Image of woman at a barre demonstrating the steps in the side leg raise with support exercise activity

Safety tips for indoors and outdoors

It's important to keep safety in mind in your home and outdoors. Follow these tips to stay on your feet:

  • Secure rugs to floors and stairs so you won't slip or trip
  • Use handrails on stairs and inclines
  • Install bright lights on stairs and walkways
  • Clear clutter, snow and ice from stairs, sidewalks and driveways
  • Wear shoes with low heels and rubber soles
  • Dress in clothes that fit well and don't drag on the ground

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