5 ways to protect your eyes

Sunlight. Computers. Tablets and smartphones. They all take a toll on your eyes. Take a few simple steps to keep your eyes healthy and protect your vision.

Everyday activities like reading, watching TV or working at computer screens can make your eyes feel tired. They can also lead to changes in your vision. So, even if you see perfectly now, it’s important to protect your eyes from injury and strain to prevent problems later on.

Help keep your eyes healthy for years to come with regular eye exams, eyewear as prescribed and treatment at the first sign of a problem. Check your health plan for coverage or look at adding a vision plan that includes eye exams.  

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Top 5 ways to keep your eyes healthy

Most of us place a high value on our eyesight. But we may not realize how the choices we make every day can affect the health of our eyes. Going without sunglasses, omitting vegetables from your diet or skipping eye exams can put your eyes at risk. Here are five easy ways you can protect your eyes as part of a healthy lifestyle.

1. Rest your eyes every 20 minutes

If you’re like most people, you spend a good deal of time viewing email, checking weather or texting on your mobile device. That can lead to eye strain, dry eye and blurry vision. Use the 20-20-20 rule to give your eyes a break:

  • Take a break from your computer or mobile device every 20 minutes
  • Look at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds

2. Wear sunglasses

Protecting your eyes from the sun can help prevent problems like cataracts and macular degeneration as you age. Keep in mind that lens color doesn’t matter and darker lenses don’t protect better. Look for sunglasses that:

  • Block 100 percent of UV rays
  • Wrap around the sides of your eyes
  • Have polarized lenses to cut glare

3. Feast on eye-friendly foods

A diet low in fat and rich in vegetables can help keep your eyes healthy. The American Academy of Ophthalmology recommends these four foods for healthy eyes.

  • Beans and peas contain zinc and help protect eyes from harmful light
  • Oranges and citrus fruit high in vitamin C help keep blood vessels healthy
  • Kale and spinach provide vitamin A and can help prevent dry eye
  • Salmon and other fish contain fatty acids that support healthy eye tissue

4. Use safety goggles for sports

Protect your eyes from injury when playing sports. Here’s how to be sure you’ll get the best eye protection:  

  • Choose polycarbonate lenses that resist impact
  • Buy eyewear that meets American Standards for Testing and Materials’ (ASTM) impact standards
  • Look for the right fit and eyewear that won’t slip when you sweat

5. Get an eye exam regularly

Getting regular eye exams is one of the best things you can do to protect your vision and your health. An eye exam:

  • Allows your doctor to check the blood vessels in your eyes for signs of damage
  • Can help detect diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease before symptoms show up
  • Can lead to early treatment for some eye diseases before they cause permanent changes to your vision or vision loss

Protect your eyes with Blue Cross Vision plans

Regular eye exams are one of the smartest ways to protect your vision. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota health plans cover eye exams every two years.

Blue Cross also offers a range of vision plans to fit your needs and your budget. All vision plans provide discounts on eyeglasses and contact lenses and some cover routine eye exams.

As a Blue Cross Vision member, you’ll have easy access to vision care with a large national network that includes top retailers, ophthalmologists and optometrists.

You can enroll in a Blue Cross Vision plan at any time, even if you don’t have Blue Cross health insurance or are on Medicare. Blue Cross Vision plans are an affordable and easy way to get proper vision care for you and your family.